







7-member Administration Council

Activity Areas:

• Management of "PROTASI"

• Center of Creative Occupation (C.C.O.)

• Magazine "PROSOPO" and e-PROSOPO

Text Box: Group for Social Networking - DI.O.D.O.S.S.S.
1. Informative meetings in schools
2. Interventions to the community and especially the neighborhood
Text Box: YOUTH WORKERS  Group
1. Workshops and groups for kids
2. Participation in exchanges and Youth conferences
3. Information and awareness projects for parents















Text Box: Teachers Group
1. Awareness - sensitization
2. Implementation of projects for schools
3. Interventions to the community
Text Box: Financial Support and communication Group 
1. Awareness - sensitization of institutions and   individuals
2. Interventions to the community
3. Organization of events for the financial support of
Text Box: New Members Seminar 
Information and training for admission to PROTASI’S volunteer Groups.

Group "Connection"
Members wishing a looser relation with “PROTASI” participate occasionally in certain activities

Text Box: Local and Transnational Projects
1. Project
















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