The story of the movement "PROTASIS" began in 1988 at a school complex Patras district, the Agyia, consisting of the 13th High School, High School 9th ​​and 4th Technical High School.

The idea for the "PROTASIS" was born in the Association of Parents and Guardians of the complex, while the first group undertook the implementation of the idea involved a total of six people, two parents from the Parents' Association and four teachers from the 13th High School, 9th High School and 4th Technical High School.

The trigger was the successful implementation of a health education program for the prevention of addictive substances, which involved 80 students of these three schools, with the guidance of the six members of this group. This program was the beginning of the long process that followed, a path creative and constantly evolving, a course that proves the best way that regardless of the number of participants, when there is a mood, inspiration and, above all, taste the nice ideas they can be realized.

Since the needs and desires of an adolescent group and the desire PROPOSAL implement prevention interventions for young people the idea to create the Creative Centre in 1993.

Teenagers were the first group had expressed the desire to find their own space where they could make music rehearsals, to come together in their free time and make concerts to communicate with other people. On the other hand, the MOTION wanted to design an intervention prevention among children and young people, to promote a positive way to organize musical groups and concerts, to help reduce the passivity of young people, be a positive role model and enhance the voluntary consciousness.

The needs and desires of the two groups were combined and found a public space to express themselves and so created the Creative Center.


The "MOTION" has taken the form of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), in which, today, involved a significant number of active citizens of Patras, who as members or as friends or as citizens of the recipients, supporting and supported by"PROTASIS". The "PROTASIS" members "from all social groups. They are citizens who acknowledge their responsibility for preventing, trained and then train their fellow citizens, especially taking advantage of what they are and how they work in the community. It is the alternative way another way of life, which counter to use culture and contributes to the functioning of operating systems that improve quality of life.

The movement "PROTASIS" shall consider that the causes of negative addictive behaviors closely associated with modern social model, which is on the altar of profit and overconsumption, favors any kind of use. Has linked happiness by acquiring as many consumer goods as part of a social perception longer "consume therefore I am." At the end of this endless path are, for some people, and illegal addictive substances.

According to the movement "PROTASIS" philosophy, we adults have the responsibility for establishing and maintaining such a social model, in which young people grow up and educated. Prevention, therefore, to reach young people, should start from the adults, who are required to take responsibility, to change this lifestyle, starting each one himself, his family, his work Others Through improving the functioning of small to larger systems of society will come indirectly, but very important benefit for young people and adults.

Why prevention is not promoted with advice, but is a daily pedagogical practice resulting from the life experiences of children from infancy to adolescence.

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